The timeline for a temporal project is closely related to how much content you want to include and how much that content needs to be altered before you can use it.
The timeline for a temporal project is closely related to how much content you want to include and how much that content needs to be altered before you can use it. It is quite possible to create a professional-looking timeline product in a few hours, and even complex projects can usually be completed with a few months of part-time work.
Work typically begins in earnest with planning and wireframing. While you want to allow yourself (and anyone you’re working with) to take the time to develop clear goals, you will probably only need one meeting or work session to get to this. The most time-consuming element here is typically figuring out which tools or applications you want to use, so if you have seen examples you like and know how they are built, this should go quickly.
Once you know your goals and tools, the actual development of the project can move forward. It is common to work on both the content for the timeline and its format in concert, whether you are working alone or have different people working on each part. The total time you need for this varies greatly, but should be directly related to the amount and complexity of the material you include, and the amount and complexity of customization you want on the technical end. If you are building a custom timeline, your designer should be able to give you a clear schedule. Timeline-type projects do not usually require all the data to be finalized before the technological parts can start, and both content and elements of design and interface can be edited together.
If your project is intended for an external audience, allow some time near the end to review and test your project before you make it publicly available.
Continue Reading: Documentation for Temporal Projects